
HUGE COLLECTION Some of our BEST Foot Worship Pictures from our past shootings. Don’t miss it! See preview below: [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”3″ gal_title=”Foot Worship 1″]


The first original karate Prisoner was an incredible custom movies. Another custumer saw it and decided to replicate with a new prisoner: Him !


Great custom movie with Mirko and Felix. They are both 2 great master of teakwondo and judo, and they try to submit each other with no mercy. All movies is about foot domination and low blows. here the comment of the custumer: "that video is HOT!!! believe or not, i liked mirko more than Felix.  He had pretty good form with his kicks where he held on felix's nose. On his front kicks he used the ball of his foot and toes curled back where Felix didn't in most cases.!!  Loved all the ball/dick grabs - very hot!!  I will advertise the video on fb too. Let me know how the sales go - you should sell a lot of them. " Enjoy!


Incredible Custom Experience! Based on the storyline of Karate Prisoner, the customer is attacked and imprisoned by 3 Blackbelts: Raf (Karate Blackbelt) and Felix and Ihor (Taekwondo Blackbelts) Definetly a Must See!


Black belt taekwondoka Felix is winner of the title MOST BEAUTIFUL FEET S SIZE (41). Sweet soles of martial artist make a lot of touches to the face of the opponent, also trampling and stomping face.


Sneakers/bare foot domination by master Felix. Various combinations of feet to face, kicks, low blows, stomping...


Custom photoset starring masters Raf, Felix and Ihor. Their victim humiliated by their nice feet pushing face, stomach, groin etc.


Large photoset shot in the Africa desert place, no eyes were wathing the boys, so it was easy to go wild. A lot of various playful feet actions performed by Jeansboy, Felix, Sany, Konstantin


Custom photo series. Great photoset dedicated to the low blows during the dirty wrestling fighting between ex-friends Sany (wrestling dress) and Felix (jeans), co-starring Mirko as "judge". Snekers, socks and barefeet portions.


Felix, the sweet feet taekwondo black belt humiliating Alex by kicks, stomping, foot in face, low blows etc.


The set of 2 action moveis (#3,4) featuring the gand of bully boys (Jeansboy, Sany, Felix, Konstantin) humiliating the footslaves by their sweet feet, power and pressure.