Herman and his brother Tom fight against annoyng Gregory. They totally dominate him and make teach him a lesson he will not forget soon…
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Here you find ALL the photosets based on humiliated and offended series (487 HD images) Now our picture lovers can enjoy or BEST series too!
Zachary and Mark are 2 bullies that want to rob Rambo. So they tied him up and start beating him with kicks, low blows and punches. Poor Rambo is defends and can do nothing but submit!
Mirko and Raf mercilessy torture and humiliate their slave with their powerful legs and feet. 2vs1 great action You can find the second part of this video here. Lenght: 31 min
Big Bro Mirko come to help lil bro Yourko punishing the bully Rambo. They attack him, the up him and start teaching me a lesson he would not forget!
Third Chapter of this loved serie! Again we find muscle boy Maarat being victimized by the cruel couple Mirko and Rambo
3 friends are chilling: Red Dragon, Val, and a Loser. Guess what happens if the loser say the wrong thing? Take a look!
Again Mirko Rambo and Marat in a different situation find themself in a dangerous situation with lots of fight involved!