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INCREDIBLE OFFER! After all your request we have decided to sell again our old Action Movies 50 Entire Movies, our entire custom collection form 2004-2010 For just 250 $ instead of more than 1000! Don't miss this chance! After you buy it contact us to be able to download them all.
Big video about bullying and hazing! More than 30 min of torture for poor Rambo by a real sadistic Zachary. If you enjoy to see a loser to be totally dominated by a cruel bully, this is a must!
Third Chapter of this loved serie! Again we find muscle boy Maarat being victimized by the cruel couple Mirko and Rambo
New kind of movie, custom made, about a posing vain dude (Nike) ho got surprised and attacked by an evil boy (Saber) who beat him down, torture, tie him up and kill him.
Great Mirko is Back! he got attacked by Nike first and Yourko after, but none of them can defeat him. He totally dominates, a real master!
Mirko and Yourko are real brothers in life as you know. Here we can see how they fight when they are home! Yourko is watching tv but Mirko want to see something else. It's time to teach little brother who is the boss! 30 minutes of hols, feet and pain for poor Yourko!
The ultimate dominant movie. From minute one you will see bully Ray picking on and beating poor Sany. No mercy, just Power!