Thief Wel breaks in Alan apartment to steal his phone, then fights and torture him to have pin and more stuff. Alan gets beaten, tied up and gagged. A must see.
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The ultimate dominant movie. From minute one you will see bully Ray picking on and beating poor Sany. No mercy, just Power!
Again Mirko Rambo and Marat in a different situation find themself in a dangerous situation with lots of fight involved!
New kind of movie, custom made, about a posing vain dude (Nike) ho got surprised and attacked by an evil boy (Saber) who beat him down, torture, tie him up and kill him.
Big video about bullying and hazing! More than 30 min of torture for poor Rambo by a real sadistic Zachary. If you enjoy to see a loser to be totally dominated by a cruel bully, this is a must!
Guys go really WILD in this! Marat and Zachary torture poor Rambo in any possible way in this 1 hour long movie! Gut Punching, lo blows, foot in the face, holds submission etc. THIS IS OUR MASTERPIECE Don't miss it!
Great Movie with Rambo and Lad. Rambo here totally dominates Lad with LOT of gut punching! But then Lad turn the table and... Just one thing sure: their guts will be destroyed!