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Judoka Mirko found new victim to torture ... Edmond was a Mirko`s school age friend, but later was prisoned. There he got a real school of fighting to survive. Lets see if Edmond will survive from Mirko`s torturious feet.
Mirko and Yourko are real brothers in life as you know. Here we can see how they fight when they are home! Yourko is watching tv but Mirko want to see something else. It's time to teach little brother who is the boss! 30 minutes of hols, feet and pain for poor Yourko!
The custom photoset featuring Mirko and Marat (masters) and Yurko (the slave). Lots of knees to the groin, belly ... also kicks, stomps, foot to face, low blows etc
Client requests were very precise: fixed camera, shorts/barefoot and helpless victim. Lets see if you like it as well
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Custom Project that show all Mirkos judoka power. Here you can see him torturing Sany with no mercy
The torture continues! There is no rest for poor Marat! Rambo and Mirko keep pushing him to his limit with blows, kicks and punch. Will he survive or succumb? Find out!
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