Money creates lot of issues, is well know and this time is not different.
Rob and Herman fight violently for a debt, street style, with lots of vicious low blows
Money creates lot of issues, is well know and this time is not different.
Rob and Herman fight violently for a debt, street style, with lots of vicious low blows
Again Mirko Rambo and Marat in a different situation find themself in a dangerous situation with lots of fight involved!
Second Episode of the serie: Marat is again victim this time of Mirko and Rambo. He is tied up and defenseless, he can only submit and take the beating.
Mirko, judoka, face Zachary, Karateka, in a strong log match. Kiai is the typical martial screaming, which this movie is full. More than 40 min with our 2 most beloved actors!
Great Custom Project with Zachary and Marat. They bet and the one that loses get kicked in the nuts! If you love Low Blows this is what you really need in your life! Also with some gut punching as well!
Nazim show his muscles at the beach and soon he find someone to fight with. He fight like a lion in the water and he submits his opponent. Nazim Rules!
New kind of movie, custom made, about a posing vain dude (Nike) ho got surprised and attacked by an evil boy (Saber) who beat him down, torture, tie him up and kill him.