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Great custom movie with Mirko and Felix. They are both 2 great master of teakwondo and judo, and they try to submit each other with no mercy. All movies is about foot domination and low blows. here the comment of the custumer: "that video is HOT!!! believe or not, i liked mirko more than Felix. He had pretty good form with his kicks where he held on felix's nose. On his front kicks he used the ball of his foot and toes curled back where Felix didn't in most cases.!! Loved all the ball/dick grabs - very hot!! I will advertise the video on fb too. Let me know how the sales go - you should sell a lot of them. " Enjoy!
Big Bro Mirko come to help lil bro Yourko punishing the bully Rambo. They attack him, the up him and start teaching me a lesson he would not forget!
A lot of low blows, stomps, leg holds, sitting and other sport foot domination by Mirko (Vladimir The Great) against the Sany who just came to the gym to have some excersises.
Judoka Mirko found new victim to torture ... Edmond was a Mirko`s school age friend, but later was prisoned. There he got a real school of fighting to survive. Lets see if Edmond will survive from Mirko`s torturious feet.
Client requests were very precise: fixed camera, shorts/barefoot and helpless victim. Lets see if you like it as well
This is our latest custom movies: another success! Read our customer reply: "Thank you so much. The match is absolutely perfect. And the baseball bat makes Mirko even more dominating. That’s great. You can congratulate Mirko, Yurko and the production team on this great movie."
The torture continues! There is no rest for poor Marat! Rambo and Mirko keep pushing him to his limit with blows, kicks and punch. Will he survive or succumb? Find out!
Mirko and Yourko are real brothers in life as you know. Here we can see how they fight when they are home! Yourko is watching tv but Mirko want to see something else. It's time to teach little brother who is the boss! 30 minutes of hols, feet and pain for poor Yourko!