

Duration: 31 min.

Custumer Order Instructions:
- Scene begins with actor stealing a hoodie out of Nick's bag and he put it on. -Nick sees it and they start to fight. I want the fight to be like the video (pulled by the scruffs part2.) -Alot of pulling on the hoodie!!!! So it gets damaged ( i like that through out the whole video) Pushing and hitting eachother and grabbing eachother of the ground by there ( hood /cap part) dragging over the floor. I like Nicks hoodie to be damaged the most. -they fight some more - both of them look a each other angry! then the otherboy graps Nicks (hood/cap part) and Smels/snifff on if for like a whole minute he enjoys it then put the hoodie over Nicks whole head, then spits on it and push him to the ground. - at some point Nick got hit at his back and he fell on the floor on his hands an knees the other boy then sits on him like a pony and comment Nick to walk while he pulled rapidly on his (hood/cap part) and destroy the hoodie some more. - at the end. The other boy gives Nick his hoodie in exchange for Nicks hoodie. Nick then exhousted of everything put it on white in the process he gets beaten and got spit on by the other boy. - Te other boy then throws hard harte hoodie back and Nick then smells on it.