On special request we release again 3 movies of the kung fu champion Alex
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Here you find ALL the photosets based on humiliated and offended series (487 HD images) Now our picture lovers can enjoy or BEST series too!
Felix, the sweet feet taekwondo black belt humiliating Alex by kicks, stomping, foot in face, low blows etc.
On special request we release another movie of our kung fu champion Alex (workouts 3 and 4) with Andy
This great video is a re-release. Shot in 2005 we see Kung Fu master ALex torture mercyless the poor Max. He is really skilled, a real great gorgeous martial artist!
The torture continues! There is no rest for poor Marat! Rambo and Mirko keep pushing him to his limit with blows, kicks and punch. Will he survive or succumb? Find out!
Great Movie with Rambo and Lad. Rambo here totally dominates Lad with LOT of gut punching! But then Lad turn the table and... Just one thing sure: their guts will be destroyed!
Guys go really WILD in this! Marat and Zachary torture poor Rambo in any possible way in this 1 hour long movie! Gut Punching, lo blows, foot in the face, holds submission etc. THIS IS OUR MASTERPIECE Don't miss it!
3 friends are chilling: Red Dragon, Val, and a Loser. Guess what happens if the loser say the wrong thing? Take a look!