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Another knee-attack photoset featuring Mirko and Marat (masters) and Yurko (the slave). Lots of new combinations including knees to the groin, belly ... also kicks, stomps, foot to face, low blows etc.
HUGE custom Photoset (more than 600 image) starring our beloved actors Nike and Marat. They keep fight and dominate with punches, kick, low blows until one of the two prevails. This is the comment of the client: "... thank you so so much!! These photos were awesome. Marat and Nike were perfect fighting against each other, and I loved the punches and seeing the guys' reactions to them. Everything was exactly like how I wanted it, down to the details I mentioned in the script. I will definitely be ordering from you guys next time I need a custom done! Thank you again! :-D" Enjoy!
Nice new Custom Movie! Marat is a runner attacked by intruder Max. But Max do not exect Marat to be soo strong and fit. He soon realize he has no chance's too late for him!
Here we Finally have a GREAT GUT PUNCHING Movie This is a custom order, so there is no better description than the customer feedback:
Guys go really WILD in this! Marat and Zachary torture poor Rambo in any possible way in this 1 hour long movie! Gut Punching, lo blows, foot in the face, holds submission etc. THIS IS OUR MASTERPIECE Don't miss it!
Custom Movie - Marat is initially a victim of Lad, but he soon take is revenge showing us he is really strong! Shirtless Gutpunching lovers: this is a must have!
Roosters Marat and Zachary, cute sporty guys fond on martial arts trying to dominate each other by kicks, low blows. trampling ... Sneakers and barefeet action.
Second Episode of the serie: Marat is again victim this time of Mirko and Rambo. He is tied up and defenseless, he can only submit and take the beating.