The best photosets series ever made by us. The custumer was so happy of the first one that ordered a second one with over 700 pics!
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Guys go really WILD in this! Marat and Zachary torture poor Rambo in any possible way in this 1 hour long movie! Gut Punching, lo blows, foot in the face, holds submission etc. THIS IS OUR MASTERPIECE Don't miss it!
Roosters Marat and Zachary, cute sporty guys fond on martial arts trying to dominate each other by kicks, low blows. trampling ... Sneakers and barefeet action.
The torture continues! There is no rest for poor Marat! Rambo and Mirko keep pushing him to his limit with blows, kicks and punch. Will he survive or succumb? Find out!
Another knee-attack photoset featuring Mirko and Marat (masters) and Yurko (the slave). Lots of new combinations including knees to the groin, belly ... also kicks, stomps, foot to face, low blows etc.
The custom photoset featuring Mirko and Marat (masters) and Yurko (the slave). Lots of knees to the groin, belly ... also kicks, stomps, foot to face, low blows etc
Here we Finally have a GREAT GUT PUNCHING Movie This is a custom order, so there is no better description than the customer feedback:
Mark, Marat and Zachary are the bullies who are always ready to dominate by their feet, whenever they are in sneakers (50%) or barefeet (50%). Low blows, stomping, kicks and more...