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The custom photoset featuring Mirko and Marat (masters) and Yurko (the slave). Lots of knees to the groin, belly ... also kicks, stomps, foot to face, low blows etc
Wrestler Mirko (blue) vs. newbie Ray. Dirty wrestling fighting including low blows, hard stomping, throws, painful armbars, logjams, submission etc.
Third Chapter of this loved serie! Again we find muscle boy Maarat being victimized by the cruel couple Mirko and Rambo
A lot of low blows, stomps, leg holds, sitting and other sport foot domination by Mirko (Vladimir The Great) against the Sany who just came to the gym to have some excersises.
Client requests were very precise: fixed camera, shorts/barefoot and helpless victim. Lets see if you like it as well
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