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James and August have bad blood and they are going to solve it the hard way: and harsh and violent beating.
Tin is chilling at home, when all of a sudden Rob the Robber break in. He wants the money, Tin refuses to give him: the torture fight begins!
Rambo is back with us in a brief visit, and show again all his strenght along side with our beloved Rocky, both instructed by Mirko. R plus R = poor Gelatin is completely devasteded both phisically and mentally with lot of humiliation.
Again Mirko Rambo and Marat in a different situation find themself in a dangerous situation with lots of fight involved!
The torture continues! There is no rest for poor Marat! Rambo and Mirko keep pushing him to his limit with blows, kicks and punch. Will he survive or succumb? Find out!
JamesX and August capture the poor slave and use him as a training toy