CUstom SUbtitled Movie for a very special client in love with chokes and grappling.
Huge Custom with 4 actors, about ROcky gang attacked and fighting to survive. Introducing our newbie Mick Subtitled in English!
In this special custom movie 2 of our most beloved actors Rocky and Justin compare their bodies in several round to show who is the strongest
Custom Movie about chubby fighter with our old champion Tin than now he is back as Mount Tin, bigger than ever!
ABS GET SQUASHED HERE DO you like Gutpunching? this is a must have then! Our beloved champion Rambo, now with a cool beard, face our new star Ken in a restless, fierce gut punch battle!
Poor Tin is subjected to a very violent interrogation by our most loved actors Mirko and Rambo. Lot’s of different action with subtitled dialogs!
Great Custom with 4 actors! Lots of lowblows and grappling done by these incredibly bulked young men. WIth english subtitles
Rambo is back with us in a brief visit, and show again all his strenght along side with our beloved Rocky, both instructed by Mirko. R plus R = poor Gelatin is completely devasteded both phisically and mentally with lot of humiliation.
Amazing Custom movie about humiliation and headscissors. This is domination at its finest!
First CUSTOM of the year with 3 of our best stars. How much weight they will be able to handle?
Wel vs 3 young strong boys. Will he have any chance?
2v1: August & Eric vs. Jim in the gym fight. Will he survive this battle?
Chuck meets Rony at the gym and they start to fight. Who is gonna be better?
Two Karate pro are meeting for the unground fight. Who’s ass will be kicked? Video in 4K.
Gus is a policeman that is sent to secure a location for an action movie actor (Chuck). August wants to kidnap Chuck and his plan is to wait him in the location and replace Gus as the police escort and bring Chuck to a safehouse where he will be kept captive.
Our beloved Vladko, Mirko and Glad in an interesting match where they show how good they are at wrestling. Who is the host of this party? How it will start and end?