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INCREDIBLE OFFER! After all your request we have decided to sell again our old Action Movies 50 Entire Movies, our entire custom collection form 2004-2010 For just 250 $ instead of more than 1000! Don't miss this chance! After you buy it contact us to be able to download them all.
Wonderful karateka Sasha provide his sweet feet to be adored by us, the viewers. Black belt master dominating the footslave by kicks, body and groin stomps, pushes to the face, holds.
Karate Sasha is Back! Our gorgeous black belt boy show all of his skills in this new video. With the help of an anatomy book, he finds all the most painful spots on his slave, and shows NO MERCY! Check out our latest masterpiece!
After the HUGE success of the first movie, we made a second chapter! This time is Lad that totally dominates Rambo at the beginning But again we have a LOT of gut punching! and again: their guts will be destroyed!
Sasha is a karate master, handsome and powerful. In this big session (sneakers, socks, barefeet) Sasha perform a lot of various foot domination excersises, kicking, stomping his victim, pushing feet to the face, sitting etc