Glad and Tom are training barefoot with lots of legs/foot tecniques. Focus on their feet in action!
Sid is the designated victim of Dimon’s incredible power and his variuos submission tecniques.
Sany is training while 2 very evil cops shows up and attack him. Lots of balls will be hitted! Another Great Police Themed Custom for beloved client ;-)
A very interesting duel beetween Sid and Dimon. Something for the jeans lovers…
A very interesting fight contest between Sid and Gus. Boxing vs wrestling, who’s gonna win?
Dimon and Vladko loves to train in gi and barefoot, showing off their feet in varius practices and holds.
Newboy Matt try to mess around Wel. Big Mistake! Our champion is going to show him all his skill
Alan and Sid never got along but now is the time for showdown, and it will be brutal! Lot’s of tecquinques inside and so many holds.
Dimon Vladko practce lots of grappling and submission tecniques in their gi’s
Dimon is annoyed by Wel in his posh shirt. He deserve a big long punishment with lot various tecquniques
Yourko is a disaster roomate, Dimon can’t take anymore and decide to teach Yourko a lesson he will not forget soon. Will he succeed?
Very fit wrestlers Alan and Ian face each others in various hold and submission tecniques
Custom Made movie done for a satisfied new client. Wel is surrounded and beated heavily by a gang made by Dimon Glad and Tin. Will he survive them all?
Mark is incredibly fit and strong in this video, so much he can even face our champion Rambo.
Custom Made movie done for a loyal client. Thief Vladko wants a powerful artifact from Dimon that can control will, and is going to do everything he can to obtain it.
After again we make another REAL DOMINATION masterpiece! This time Rambo use rookie Tin as his hopeless victim to endure pretty everything: Heavy Trampling, Stomping, Scissors, Low Blows and much more!
Muscled boyz Wel and Gus are laying down and chill, but soon a vicious fight start, with kicks and scissors, stripping slowly their clotes off…
Young soldiers get drunk and become very dangerous. Will master Mirko be able to stop them all?