Another custom movie after the first one here Leg Rupture 1 Same customer, same satisfaction.
HUGE Movie almost 1 hour of all our backstages, trials and warmups! First week only Discounted!
Custom Movie about chubby fighter with our old champion Tin than now he is back as Mount Tin, bigger than ever!
Poor Rocky stand no chance with 2 experienced fighters like Mirko and Vladko. Great custom movie for a very satisfied client.
Policemen Wel is strong and knows it. This means he is very cocky as well. So cocky he think he can defeat gangster Mirko on his own tatami. Of course Mirko is not the type to give up easily…and show the poor policemen all of his judo skill. The submission will be long, painful and [...]
Another SUCCESSFUL CUSTOM VIDEO! Mirko and Gladiator at their best submitting each other…
Another SUCCESSFUL CUSTOM VIDEO! If you are a submission choking fan you can’t miss this out You can find the first chapter here
Another SUCCESSFUL CUSTOM VIDEO, one hour long! If you are a submission choking fan you can’t miss this out
Our beloved Rambo is back! And with a new sexy beard! Our custumer was very pleasead for the work he and Gladiator made for him
Our best actors Mirko and Rocky play in this amazing custom movies! Poor Rocky is overpowered, captured and silenced. Then the merciless interrogation begins…
Poor Tin is subjected to a very violent interrogation by our most loved actors Mirko and Rambo. Lot’s of different action with subtitled dialogs!
Rambo is back with us in a brief visit, and show again all his strenght along side with our beloved Rocky, both instructed by Mirko. R plus R = poor Gelatin is completely devasteded both phisically and mentally with lot of humiliation.
Mirko the judoka is attacked by crooked police-man Marat. It is a fight against 2 uniform, who’s gonna win?
Elliot and Hunter are together for the third time for this incredible, custom funded SUPERMOVIE. It includes backstages and custom multirequests A true masterpiece!
The Backstage of our masterpice Supersession 2,with lots of undisclosed action!
2 MOVIES in ONE! This is the RAW footage session of 2 movies toghether. 2 Hours of pure domination! This movie contains also the raw footage of: Squash Match Supplanters
After the success of the first chapter here it is the second one. More than an hour of our skilled fighters training!
Big Xmas Movie of 2021: 3 sessions with our most loved fighters showing off all their skills and how our newbies got trained.